Short Hair Bagle
Short Hair Domostice
Type: Beagle/Basset Mix
Age: Approx. 5 years
Sex: Male
Weight: 26.8
Color: Red and White
House Trained: Yes
Health: Not yet
Woof everyone,
I want to thank you all for saving my life and helping to get me to my foster home.
I want to tell you I have a name now and it makes me feel special. My name is Truman. Do you know that name translates to loyal one?
I will always be loyal.
Let me update you on what has been happening since I got to foster home. I have three foster brothers and three foster sisters, and they are showing me what it is to be loved.
I went to vet today. They stuck something up my butt, I didn’t like that, and he checked out a spot near my tail. He cleaned it up and gave me cream for it. He listened to my heart and checked my ears. He is a little concerned about my front legs and how they bow out. He told me I must gain weight. I was only 26.8 lbs. We will be getting blood work done in a few weeks. Next time I go, they will take a closer look at my legs and other medical issues.
I am so lucky to be given this second chance at life because of all of you and I hope you continue to all standby me and help to get me to be 100% healthy. I need everyone’s help for that to happen.
I get seven meals a day with some goat milk. The milk helps me put weight on and it is good for me. I think the goat milk is yummy but when you were starved everything taste good.
Some things I have learned is how to counter surf if food on counter it is mine because I was starved so long before I came to All Hound Rescue of Florida.
I know how to open fridge I know there is foodies in there also.
I know now I am safe and get foodies to eat and a soft bed to sleep in.
So please continue to help me with my medical issues, and I will keep you updated about my wonderful story.
Continue to support All Hounds Rescue of Florida. So, they can help others like me.
There is so many like me that need that second chance. I still got a long way to go to be totally healthy and with your help, it can happen for me and others.
Love and kisses,
Ask About & Meet Truman
Hi Admirer of All Hounds!
At the moment, Truman is the sole hound under our care, but our organization is eager and ready to support and accept more hounds in need of rescue. We believe every hound deserves a second chance at love and a happy life. We are dedicated to providing these hounds with the care and attention they deserve. Contact us if you have any information on hounds needing rescue or if you need to relinquish a hound from your care.
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